Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wait is over - Mr. Okinola Hindokaloo from Zimbabwe is here!!

Dear blog members,
We are very pleased to announce that Mr. Okinola Hindokaloo from Zimbabwe has agreed to join our blissful little group in Toronto and bless us with his charming looks and secrets of skin care.

Although Mr. Hindokaloo's tribe members are missing him dearly, for lack of procreational alternatives and all that, but Mr. Hindokaloo has decided to venture the far shores of this country we call Canada and Mr. Hidokaloo's tribe calls KANATA.

There will be a series of events organized in honor of Mr. Hidokaloo, starting first with "how to reduce years by applying crap on your face". Advance ticket sales have begun... contact your area representative and ask for OKINOLA SPECIAL for a 30% discount.


Monday, September 8, 2008

A great mystery...

Its for you to solve the great mystery....