Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hail to the LORD of CARDS

People... we have finally found the LORD of CARDS (not lord of poker). One who has given new meaning to word "lucky" and a new dimension to "beating the odds".

Last night's devastation (for the co-players) was unprecedented and unexpected. The game started at Midnight. The sleepy-faced young man looked slightly not-in-the-mood and just a tad bored as he eased into a sofa. The sun had long since set, and it was freezing cold outside. Rani Mukherjee's "kachi kaliyan mat todo" was playing in the background, and a ninja was sitting calmly besides the LORD with his high stack of chips and all was going just about ok till 2 AM … but then something changed.

The LORD brutally started hitting the fellow players with sequences, pure-sequences and three-of-a-kinds. This, friends, was just the beginning. The LORD then did something that we have only heard in the folklores. In one shot he cleaned 75% of the treasure chest of the ninja, who seemed like a feeble mouse holding a K and Q in front of the mighty pocket ACES of THE LORD. Then like an artist in the VERY NEXT hand, The LORD, cleaned up all the chips of the cured-by-pudin-hara-host. I urge you to GUESS the cards that LORD had……… Well what ever you guessed was wrong, because the LORD had ANOTHER POCKET ACES and the cured-by-pudin-hara-host had another K and Q.

Just in case you haven’t fathomed the miniscule odds of this event - let me do the math for you.
The odds that you'll get pocket aces twice in a row:

That is (4/52)/(3/51) or around 220 to 1 times two which is the 48400. So the odds that LORD beat here are 48400:1

LORD finished the job with squashing the already disheartened ninja with a trip of 7s.

Although the sour losers, cured-by-pudin-hara-host and ninja, cried foul, conspired not pay the money and vowed to not play poker again.

But as the morning came, we saw error of our ways. So we have to do what is fair… we saw the LORD in action and we have to pay the tribute to that - so cured-by-pudin-hara-host will honor the $10 game and payup with humility.

May the LORD continue to freak us all out!