Saturday, August 9, 2008

The founding members...

As it would be very clear to you all, one on right is Mr. La MBA - focused, uber-competitive, pissed about losing the first hand and to top it all - holding three cards in hand even though the game is Texas hold'em!!! That is the man!

And the one eating something, well that has to be Mr. Loo MBA - already folded, waiting for deuce, playing poker on face of it - but really thinking about next big 'deal' and finally has a look of "happy-go-lucky" on his face...

Since I was the one who took this picture, the last guy has to be Mr. Taps - lean (pun intended) mean, calculating machine - doing complex permutations and probability calculations to get that edge in the game - and you better believe that he would have won with all this cutting edge analysis - only problem - he had already folded.

Our other players are missing this fine day - but would be introduced shortly on this blog - so continue to tune in!

Commentary by Sandeep Dhiman

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